Don't Solve Your Problems
Note:I've got a new site and a new program I'm very excited about. The feedback so far has been terrific.If you want the free program "5 Steps to Unstoppable Confidence" plus a free report I jus added on Jeter's secret to confidence, go to
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I remember talking to Rob Thomson of the Yankees one time when he was running their day to day player development about "traps" that players fall into. I listed 8 in our conversation, and one was "poor choices during down time."
Getting into alcohol and partying and other things that disrupted focus and cost them energy. The normal thing to do is to tell a player to not do that. Even ban him from it.
That can work and it may be necessary. But it addresses the symptom instead of the cause. The focus becomes "not partying." The focus is on the problem.
Too often we do that in all areas of life -- we focus on our problems and try to solve them. That sounds good, but there's an important distinction missing. When you focus on your problems you get more problems. If that's the level you're focusing at, all you'll see is one problem after another.
As soon as you solve one problem, there will be another waiting and you'll do little more than hold your ground.
What should you do instead? Not solve your problems?
A more powerful focus is to go after your goal. Focus on your goal and go after it.Doing so either makes the "problems" go way, or puts them in such a different context that they don't occur to you as problems, just things you have to deal with on the way to your goal.
Might sound like semantics, but the energy difference is huge. Your goal should be your North Star. Your compass. Your guiding light.
With a clear, powerful goal you are much less likely to be distracted by things that aren't relevant to your goal, that don't move you toward your goal. The more clear you are on your goal, the better choices you'll make in your "down time."
In the February edition of my new Baseball Confidence Gym, I'll teach you how to burn a goal and the desire to reach it into your brain and body unlike anything you've ever seen. Join now and get some amazing free
In Confidence,
Dr. Tom Hanson
by Tom Hanson
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I remember talking to Rob Thomson of the Yankees one time when he was running their day to day player development about "traps" that players fall into. I listed 8 in our conversation, and one was "poor choices during down time."
Getting into alcohol and partying and other things that disrupted focus and cost them energy. The normal thing to do is to tell a player to not do that. Even ban him from it.
That can work and it may be necessary. But it addresses the symptom instead of the cause. The focus becomes "not partying." The focus is on the problem.
Too often we do that in all areas of life -- we focus on our problems and try to solve them. That sounds good, but there's an important distinction missing. When you focus on your problems you get more problems. If that's the level you're focusing at, all you'll see is one problem after another.
As soon as you solve one problem, there will be another waiting and you'll do little more than hold your ground.
What should you do instead? Not solve your problems?
A more powerful focus is to go after your goal. Focus on your goal and go after it.Doing so either makes the "problems" go way, or puts them in such a different context that they don't occur to you as problems, just things you have to deal with on the way to your goal.
Might sound like semantics, but the energy difference is huge. Your goal should be your North Star. Your compass. Your guiding light.
With a clear, powerful goal you are much less likely to be distracted by things that aren't relevant to your goal, that don't move you toward your goal. The more clear you are on your goal, the better choices you'll make in your "down time."
In the February edition of my new Baseball Confidence Gym, I'll teach you how to burn a goal and the desire to reach it into your brain and body unlike anything you've ever seen. Join now and get some amazing free
In Confidence,
Dr. Tom Hanson
by Tom Hanson
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