Thursday, August 30, 2007

A Dire Warning

I've always enjoyed this quote:

"Sometimes the best thing you can do with your life is to let it serve as a warning to others."

The photo that usually goes with that is of a sinking ship.

Funny stuff.

Except when you're the ship.

Much of our success as humans stems from a highly developed ability to stay out of danger.

We're programmed to 1) get food and water, 2) reproduce ourselves (s*e*x) 3) avoid danger.

We "rubber neck" at accidents in part to see what not to do. Negativity sells on the news in part because our brain is trained to look out for danger -- to see what to not do so we can stay safe.

Such a warning came out yesterday.

You may have seen it. I don't ususally see things like this, so it's likely that you did too.

Miss Teen South Carolina.

I don't want to make fun of her -- I've choked too.

But for the reason's I've listed above, I think you should see it.

And then imagine the baseball equivalent.

See, if you go out onto the field under prepared, you run the risk of this happening to you. Let's just call it falling short of one's potential.

Not good. Especially in today's YouTube World.

More unforgiveable is to send players you coach or your son into the fray under prepared. You know powerful mental training is available, there's no excuse for watching a player melt down and fall short of his potential.

Knowing the power of the mental weapons I've got in my arsonal, I don't see a player reaching his potential without them.

In the coming days and weeks I'll be sharing more about the design and functioning of the mental game of baseball.

All my messages will end the same way. I want you to come to my Mental Training Boot Camp. I'm certain that all who attend will never be the same.

First, here's that clip I mentioned, the melt down. You might laugh ( I confess I did), but don't miss the lesson.
Train your brain for excellence and you avoid this....

Then come back and get the low down on my Nov, 3-4 Boot Camp here in Tampa Bay at

Dr. Tom Hanson

p.s. And check out all the tools that can help you avoid crashing and burning at

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

How to Win

"Just win, baby."

Great line from football's Al Davis. And he won a lot.

It sounds great, but how do you do it?

This month I interviewed another winner named Al.

This one is a Hall-of-Famer. He's 70 years old and he's won
every where he's competed. 50+ years of winning.

I met him just a couple of weeks ago at a sport psychology
seminar -- he was the kick-off speaker.

I knew 5 minutes in I had to have him in the Gym -- to work
him over for my members.

My Gym members love to win. They know they can't control
winning, but they love to win.

I love to win and I've made a career out of learning from
winners how they do it.

Do you love to win?

You've no doubt won a few things in your day. How did you
do it? How would you answer that question: How do you win?

How do you balance wanting to win while focusing on the
process of playing? What are the steps you'd take to
outline for someone else how to win?

Well, those are just some of the questions I asked this guy

If you're guessing which Al it is (Kaline? Oliver? Dark?
Campanis? Alda?) you can stop now, you won't get it.

Al Miller.

Hall of Fame: Soccer.

Have you ever had the privilege of playing for a truely
great coach? One that made you feel like you could do

In his talk, Al said: "You've got to get them to see
themselves as bigger thann they now see themselves."

(Tom: "How do you do that?")

Remember the 1980 Olympic Hockey team? U S A U S A

That was a "miracle."

When Al took over an expansion pro soccer team his primary
interview question for everyone involved -- front office to
front line -- was "Do you want to be part of a miracle?"

Those that said "yes" that he selected were in for the ride
of their lives.

They went from 0 to W in record time and were the Team of
the Decade. Their first decade.

How do you do that?

He took over a college team that hadn't won a game -- ever
-- in three years of existence -- and won a national title
in his fifth year (40 years later the college hasn't won
another national title in ANY sport)

How do you do that?

He took up golf late in life and has now won 5 club

How do you do that?

He took up racquetball even later in life and now has been
in the national finals 3 straight years.

How do you do that?

And he won my admiration. Big time.

How do you do that?

Win, baby, win.

(And then be smart enough to be able to articulate how you
did it.)

Dr. Tom Hanson

p.s. So my first challenge for you today is to define what
winning is for you: today, this week, this month, this
year. What would be the equivalent of winning the World
Series for you?

Next, I challenge you to take action toward that goal(s). A
smart first move is to get this interview with Al Miller
and get the exercise I created that accompanies it.

Take action and you're on your way to a W.