Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Get Your Free Ebook

I've created a new ebook: "Winning Baseball from the Inside
Out: How to Do 10 Things Champions Do -- Instructions for Players, Coaches and Parents"

And I want to give it to you.

But first I want to acknowledge someone who has gone beyond reading about the mental game and has applied the stuff and become a champion at baseball coaching: Gary Hatch.

He sent me this email yesterday...

"Thanks for your efforts. I read everyone of these hummers [email coaching tips] - I have copies of your book for my Baseball Theory, Play and Strategy class I teach here at the High School - it is amazing how much better my guys are as a result of practicing the mental side of coaching - playing every day - at least 5-15 minutes daily
- it is another tool in the tool box - every bit as important as the skills and drills section of the box! Not enough coaches take the time to understand its fundamental strengths - pretty powerful stuff.

"We just came off winning a State Championship this past weekend - Washington State Champs! Much of our success I attribute to our mental training - most all of it has come from you and Ravizza. You guys are tops!

"I have been privileged - honored to be named the USA Baseball Youth National 16 and Under head coach this summer."

Gary Hatch

Congratulations, Gary. Way to go.

Imagine the scene -- Gary's team jumping around on the field after winning the State Championship.

Our National 16 and Under team is in good hands.

My new ebook is about how to have experiences like Gary's.

Of course, many factors go into winning a championship (lets start with talent), but you can't win a championship without a strong mental game.

Here are the 10 things you'll learn how to do in my new ebook, followed by the barter deal I'll make with you.

1. How to Put Your Head in Your End (and why that's good)

2. How to Master *The* Crucial Parenting Skill

3. How to Gain Control of Anger

4. How to Succeed with Baseball and Babes

5. How to Not Choke

6. How to do it Like A-Rod Does it (when he does it)

7. How to do it Like Barry Bonds Does it

8. How to Watch a Breath-Taking College World Series

9. How to Tap the Power of an Elevated Environment

10. How to Think Like a Hall-of-Famer

My commitment is to help as many players, coaches and parents as I can learn to use their minds to dramatically improve their performance, have more fun in baseball, and learn life-long skills that will enhance their lives beyond baseball.

To help me do that I'm willing to give you this new ebook as a gift -- you can download it moments from now -- if you're willing to give a gift to people you know.

When you signed up for these emails you got "5 Steps to Unstoppable Confidence" and "Jeter's Confidence Secret."

(if you didn't, here's how to get them)

Here's a link that will enable you to give those no cost programs to friends of yours, and in return I'll give you my new ebook.

Click to this hidden web page to give and get...

Thank you,

Dr. Tom Hanson

p.s. "Winning Baseball from the Inside Out: How to Do 10 Things Champions Do" contains some of my favorite material I've ever written.

I suggest you print it out and put it somewhere that you've got a few minutes to digest a chapter at a time.


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