Wednesday, June 6, 2007

With new power, I Injured the Pitcher!

I knew it would be good, but I didn't know it would *amaze* me.

Let me set the stage for you before I tell you about it...

When you were a kid, did you ever imagine you were some star player?

I often pretended I was Harmon Killebrew, Tony Oliva or Rod Carew. (Yes, I grew up in Minnesota in the late 60's and 70's).

When I was Killebrew, I jacked the ball. Period. I was the man.

When I was Carew, I laced it all over the park.

See, I wasn't little Tommy Hanson, I was a dominant Major League player. Future Hall-of-Famers cream wiffle balls all day and all night.

I'd wear out my pitcher/friends (Fish, Nate, High Head and Pits).

There's power in imagination. Big time, transformational power.

And this imagination technique isn't for the young only.

Hall-of-Famer Mike Schmidt said he used to think "Clemente"
as his "last conscious thought" in the batter's box before a pitch.

So one HOF guy was pretending to be another HOF guy. In a big league game.

Einstein has his well-worn quote that "Imagination is more powerful than knowledge."

But to harness that power you need the knowledge of how to do it.

You've seen a hypnosis stage show, most likely. You know, where the guy gets the poor suckers that volunteer to go up there (I've been one of those suckers twice) and do silly things.

Like be freezing cold when the room temperature is normal.
Or make out with a mop like it's Paris Hilton. Or even not see a man standing in plain view.

We know the mind is capable of amazing things, but how do you harness that and use it to create power you can use?

What should you imagine to give yourself maximal power in your pitching and hitting?

To find out, I found I guy whose made a science of harnessing that power his whole life.

I recently interviewed a guy named Garin Bader. You've likely not heard of him unless you've seen his Vegas show on a cruise ship, or in Vegas, or somewhere else.

He's a world class pianist. World class magician. World class martial arts guy.

Generally, a world-class guy.

One of the people I respect most in my life calls Garin a "modern day Leonardo DiVinci."

Over the course of his life Garin's created a system for taping into the awesome power of imagination. He's created a system for powerful, consistent performance that I am jacked up about.

I think this system eventually will make a big impact on the baseball world. My interview with him is the first in baseball.

You have not heard this information before, I promise you.
Garin re-defines what it means to pitch and hit.

As I held a ball and did what he told me to do I felt a power and fluidity in my throwing action I'd never felt.

As I held a bat in my hand and did what he told me to do I felt such a power that in anticipation of my upcoming slow-pitch softball game I said "they'd better get the married men off the infield."

Two day's later I winced as the opposing pitcher was helped off the field.

Seriously. That actually happened.

I smoked a wicked one hopper off the pitcher's knee that caromed over the shortstop's head and into left field.

Earlier that day I'd played in a corporate golf tourney and used just one of the ideas Garin told me and I set a new personal record for longest drive at 305 yards.

Old record, 275.

How did I do it? I harnessed my imagination. I used it in a way I'd never imagined using it before. Imagine that!

But this system, called Core Force Energy, isn't for everyone. You have to be open. You have to actually TRY it.
DO it while you're listening.

If you just sit back and evaluate it -- with a "prove it to me" attitude, you're apt to think it too strange. Please don't waste your time and money.

But they laughed at Columbus when he said the world was round. They laughed at Copernicus for saying the earth revolved around the sun.

They laughed at the idea that a TV network could make money showing only sports.

All I can say is that I'm laughing at the power of the content of this month's Baseball Confidence Gym CD.

Try the Gym for 1 month for $29.95 and get my best selling Confidence Conditioning for Baseball program free, to keep.

Get in now because each Friday you'll get a coaching email from me, and with this amazing topic I'll be fielding questions and coaching you through it.

Thank you,

Dr. Tom Hanson

p.s. I so want you to experience this power that for this month only I'll give you a full refund if you don't feel you got your investment worth. So you get the Gym membership, plus Confidence Conditioning for Baseball (mental game success 101) at no risk.

p.p.s. this could revolutionize baseball coaching.


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